Connecting The Northern Irish Diaspora (With Anne Beggs From NI Connections)


Incredibly excited to announce a new mini-series we're launching in collaboration with Northern Irish Connections where we’ll be sharing the story of six extraordinary people from NI doing exceptional things overseas.

In this quick intro episode, we caught up with Invest NI's Anne Beggs to chat about:

  • How many Northern Irish people are living overseas?

  • Why it's so important to connect them?

  • What we can learn from them?

  • And some of the amazing things these people have been able to achieve.

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This episode is part of our mini-series in collaboration with Northern Irish Connections: Invest NI's Diaspora Outreach Program.

Find out information about moving back home and discover amazing diaspora stories by signing up to their free monthly newsletter at

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Thanks again to Anne Beggs for taking the time to share her story with us.

See you next time.

— Matt

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Matthew ThompsonNIC