Claire McLaughlin: Junior Doctor & Rugby Player


Claire McLaughlin is a 28-year-old junior doctor from Bushmills and a professional rugby player. 

After admittedly not being any good at sports as a girl (except the monkey crawl), Claire went on to excel both academically and athletically in her teens. 

This ultimately led her both playing for Ireland in the Rugby World Cup AND going through medical school. 

In today's episode we chat about:

  • The role disciple has played in Claire's life

  • Techniques she uses to balance her multiple passions

  • How to avoid burnout and deal with disappointment

  • And the greatest challenges/successes she's faced along the way 

(Including being a doctor during a global pandemic). 



Instagram: @squatzgirl
Twitter: claire__mcl
Website/blog: (coming soon)
One thing most people don't know about you: I was rubbish at sport as a child!
Favourite Book: Harry Potters
Favourite Quote: Always give 100%, so that when you look back, you won't have any regrets.


Say hello at:

WhatsApp: +447873636003


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Thanks again to Claire McLaughlin for taking the time to share her story with us.

See you next time.

— Matt

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Matthew Thompson