Lane 44: Eco-Friendly Shaving Company


Blayne Shaw is an entrepreneur who worked in his family’s fashion business. Toyah Warnock is a Chemistry PhD who worked in a lab.

Now they’re co-founders of Lane44: an eco-friendly shaving company who are on a mission to end the 1 billion plastic razors sent to landfill sites each year.

In today’s episode we talk about:

  • How the humble yet might safety razor is better for your skin and planet

  • The mad whirlwind of e-commerce and influencer marketing during COVID

  • And why your bathroom is the least environmentally friendly room in your house.

Check it out!


Lane44 Treasure Trove:

What's One Thing Most People Don't Know About You?
I've a nut allergy (literally the best I can come up with lol)

What's Your Favourite Book?
Marching Powder by Rusty Young

What's Your Favourite Quote?
Always deliver more than expected.”


This episode is part of our ‘Climate Of Change’ mini-series presented in partnership with Ulster Bank featuring Northern Irish start-ups who are tackling the climate challenge.

As part of their efforts to lead the way in addressing the causes of climate change, Ulster Bank have committed 25% of the places on their Accelerator Program for climate-focused businesses.

If you have a green business idea that could help save our planet, please click here to apply to the Ulster Bank Climate Accelerator today. (Applications close June 11th).

How To Listen

If you don’t have time to tune in right now, you can listen to today’s show on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Overcast or your favourite podcast app.

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Thanks again to Lane44 for taking the time to share their story with us.

See you next time.

— Matt

P.S. You can share this episode by clicking the buttons below.

Matthew Thompson