Mark Rabo on Appreciating Beauty, Becoming a Polymath and Carving Out Community in the Digital Age


Dear friends!

Excited to share with you today a very special conversation with someone I've only met once who left a big impression on me.

The short story is that I got more from a two-hour chat with Rabo (Polish-Canadian Engineer, Writer and Product Manager) at the launch of Mark Dowd's new business in December than frankly, I have in most relationships outside of my inner-circle.

Today's podcast is my attempt to recreate some of that magic and dive deeper into a wide-range of rabbit holes we left unexplored including:

  • Practical ways to slow down and appreciate beauty

  • Why community is so broken in the 21st Century

  • How Rabo's simple, yet powerful app can help

  • The value of intergenerational relationships

  • Navigating the tension between wanting to show up with the desire to escape

  • His path into becoming a polymath and why the advice to "find your passion" never worked for him

  • Some of the strange jobs he's had along the way (from documentary-making to sewer-diving)

  • How different experiences change the way we view the world

  • Why some of us are naturally attracted to entrepreneurship

  • And the kindest thing someone has ever done for him.

It's rare to meet someone with as much depth and experience as this dude right here and I hope you enjoy this brief, dipping of the toe into the wonderful world of Rabo.


— Matt


Mark Rabo Treasure Trove

What's Your Favourite Quote?
“Art must be exaggerated. Bend until your spine cracks.” ~ Szukalski (Polish Artist)

Show notes:

Definition of sonder

Revere App

Rabo's writings

How To Listen

If you don’t have time to tune in right now, you can listen to today’s show on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Overcast or your favourite podcast app.

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Thanks again to Mark Rabo for taking the time to share his story with us.

See you next time.

— Matt

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Matthew Thompson