Martin Mullholland: Head Concierge, Europa Hotel


Meet Martin Mullholland…

Martin Mullholland is the Head Concierge of the Europa Hotel and has worked there for 38-years — making him the longest-serving staff member of the iconic Belfast landmark.

He’s also the current President of Les Clefs d'Or, UICH Ireland — a prestigious network of Head Concierges from around the world.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Walking through the door of the hotel for the first time at 18-years old.

  • Working in Belfast City Centre during the troubles

  • Meeting President Bill Clinton

  • The most unusual request a guest has ever made

  • And the art of connecting with other people…

This conversation took place as part of the Europa’s 50th Anniversary to celebrate and commemorate its place in local history and the role it’s played in the Belfast story.

Check it out!


Martin Mullholland Treasure Trove:

  • What's One Thing Most People Don't Know About You?

    I am the longest serving member of the Europa staff at 38 years

  • What are three favourite stories you love to tell at family gatherings/the pub?

    My role in the visit of President Clinton to Belfast.

  • What's Your Favourite Book?

    Spike Milligan's war diaries.

  • What's Your Favourite Quote?

    There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen.

  • Last but not least, is there anything you'd like us to promote?

    The Europa is celebrating its 50th Birthday this year.


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Thanks again to Martin Mullhollan for taking the time to share his story with us.

See you next time.

— Matt

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Matthew Thompson