National Museums NI: Hannah Crowdy


Meet Hannah Crowdy…

Hannah Crowdy is the Head Of Curatorial for National Museums NI.

In 2009 she relocated from Brighton to Belfast and eleven years later, she is very happy to call this place home.

As a museum professional for eighteen years, Hannah has worked in museums of all shapes and sizes.

At National Museums NI she has taken a leading role in such major projects as the Titanica exhibition at the Ulster Transport Museum and the recent Troubles and Beyond exhibition at the Ulster Museum.

In today’s episode we talk about:

  • Her first heritage-related memories

  • How she ‘got into' museums (and why!)

  • The role museums play in our culture

  • And the greatest successes/challenges she’s faced along the way

Check it out!


  • Favourite Book: Sorry, it's impossible to choose! Reading is one of life's greatest pleasures, and there are so many wonderful books that mean a lot to me.

  • Favourite Quote: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum - Don't let the bastards grind you down.' (from The Handmaid's Tale)


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Thanks again to Hannah Crowdy for taking the time to share her story with us.

See you next time.

— Matt

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Matthew Thompson