Rachael Campbell-Palmer From Black Box: “A Space For Things Don’t Have One” (#46)


Meet Rachael Campbell-Palmer…


With over 600 events every year including live music, discos, art exhibits, comedy sketches, open mic storytelling nights and much much more, The Black Box is without a doubt the creative heartbeat of our city.

We sat down with co-director Rachael Campbell-Palmer to talk about the importance of creating spaces where people can experiment with new ideas, mediums and art forms.

Rachael is a successful artist in her own right with a passion for 3D sculptors, live music and creating spaces where people can express themselves and encounter art — whatever that looks like for them.

In today’s show, we talk about why art matters, how to break through your personal creative blocks and how Rachael went from pulling pints in The Black Box to the co-director’s position.

Check it out!

How To Listen

You can listen to today’s show with Katharine Walker on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Overcast or your favourite podcast app.

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Thanks again to Rachael Campbell-Palmer for taking the time to share her story with us!

See you next time.

- Matt

Matthew Thompson